The Prophetic College Goes Online on March 25-26
The Prophetic College Will Take Place as an Online Webinar
March 18, 2020 (New York, NY) In light of the recent COVID-19 outbreak, The Prophetic College will no longer take place in-person at 310 Riverside Dr., New York, NY, but will be hosted online instead to ensure the protection of everyone participating.
In a webinar-style format, The Prophetic College will run from Wednesday to Thursday, March 25-26, from 10 AM to 4 PM EST. Hosted by Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan and Bishop George Bloomer, The Prophetic College online experience will give you the opportunity to connect to powerful prophetic teachings and training from the comfort of your home, safe from the widespread contamination of the coronavirus.
The theme for this Prophetic College is Vision Casting: Activation and Training. Archbishop Jordan and Bishop George Bloomer will dissect how to shape and form the Vision God has given to you. Whether you are a church leader or a church member, you will learn how to breathe life into the prophetic mandates the Lord has given to each and every person without excuses.
In the book “Written Judgment” published years ago, Master Prophet Archbishop E. Bernard Jordan speaks about a major global crisis, the pandemic currently called the “Coronavirus” that is happening right now in this year of 2020. The Master Prophet revisits his vision in the upcoming webinar; while Bishop Bloomer, the General of Spiritual Warfare, will also be sharing the mind of God concerning the current global events that are unfolding.
We encourage you to move in faith and action in this season to ensure you are present with the people of God at this upcoming Prophetic College!
Ask yourself these questions: Are we under a spiritual attack as a nation? What is God saying at this time? What is the next move that leadership in the church must take? The prophets in the Church and in the marketplace are paramount. Prophetic leaders in the Body of Christ must raise their voices and proclaim the word of the Lord on earth that will eradicate poverty, racism, and the disenfranchisement of the voiceless.
The Church must become the prophetic voice in our communities and in the world to speak to the injustices that are systemic in our culture and society. Issues such as racism, poverty, health epidemics and pandemics, mental illness and economic disparity must be addressed by God’s Spokesmen (prophets of God).
Are you God’s Prophetic Spokesman? Read more about God’s Spokesman
This is the season for the true prophets to come forward and declare the truth of God in the Church, the marketplace, and the world.
BE IN THE PRESENCE OF THE PEOPLE OF GOD! Prepare for a special announcement from the founders in the upcoming webinar.
Make plans to be in attendance for two powerful days of prophetic conversation around issues and matters concerning the local church, the church at large, the marketplace, our government, and the entire world.
Register NOW with a $100 donation to attend The Prophetic College webinar on Wednesday and Thursday, March 25th and March 26th, from 10am to 4pm EST. In a few days, you will receive an email with the instructions to get access to the webinar. We look forward to seeing you all there!
Click this link to register: Prophetic College Registration